How to Get MRN Number in Dubai, UAE

Moh. Fajar

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How to Get MRN Number Dubai

How to Get MRN Number in Dubai – Hey there, fellow UAExpat in Dubai! If you’re new to the city, navigating the healthcare system might seem a bit daunting.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of getting your Medical Record Number (MRN) in Dubai, making your healthcare journey a breeze.

What is MRN?

MRN (Medical Record Number) is an unique identification number assigned to a patient by a healthcare institution to track and maintain their medical records.

In Dubai, the MRN number is used by hospitals and clinics to streamline the process of storing, accessing, and managing patients’ medical information.

When a patient first visits a healthcare provider in Dubai, they are assigned an MRN number.

This number will be used for all future medical encounters within that institution, making it easier for healthcare professionals to access and update the patient’s medical history, medications, test results, and other relevant information.

Having a unique MRN number helps ensure that the correct patient information is accessed and reduces the risk of errors when managing medical records.

An MRN is assigned to individual patients, regardless of their nationality, when they visit a healthcare facility for the first time.

The MRN number is unique to each patient and helps healthcare professionals maintain and access their medical records.

How to Get MRN Number in Dubai

Here are the general steps to obtain an MRN:

1. Get MRN Number Online

In today’s online era, everything can be done online, including getting or generating your MRN number, but one of the conditions that you must fulfill if you want to get or generate MRN via online is knowing your Emirates ID number.

How to get the MRN number? Follow these steps:

  • Visit the website of DHA in here
  • After the link opened on your browser, you will see that there is column on the website.
  • Enter your Emirate ID on the column and click Submit
  • The OTP password will be send to your mobile number that linked on your Emirate ID
  • Enter the OTP code and click submit again.
  • And your MRN number will be displayed on the website
  • Write it or print your MRN number and save it carefully

2. Get MRN via Healthcare Facility

Choose a hospital, clinic, or other healthcare provider in Dubai where you’d like to receive medical care.

  • Registration

Upon arrival at the facility, head to the registration or reception area. Inform the staff that you are a new patient and need to create a medical record.

  • Provide personal information

You will be asked to provide your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, address, contact details, and Emirates ID number (for UAE residents) or passport number (for non-residents). It’s essential to provide accurate information to ensure your medical records are correctly linked to your MRN.

  • Complete the registration process

The healthcare facility staff will create a new medical record for you and assign you an MRN. They will also provide you with any necessary forms or documents to complete.

  • Keep a record of your MRN

It is a good idea to store your MRN in a safe place, as you will need to provide it during future visits to that healthcare facility. This will help healthcare professionals access your medical records efficiently.

Remember, the MRN is unique to the healthcare facility where it was created, so if you visit a different healthcare provider, you may be assigned a different MRN.

MRN Number Dubai

And there you have it, folks! Getting your MRN in Dubai is as simple as that. Keep in mind that your MRN might be different if you visit another healthcare facility, so make sure you always have the correct number handy. Stay healthy and happy, dear expats!

Benefits of having MRN

Having an MRN (Medical Record Number) offers several benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Efficient record keeping
  • Streamlined healthcare services
  • Improved patient safety
  • Enhanced privacy and security
  • Easier follow-ups and continuity of care

Final Words

The article about how to get MRN number Dubai above is a straightforward process that helps streamline your healthcare experience.

By choosing a suitable healthcare provider and providing accurate personal information, you’ll have your unique MRN in no time.

Remember to keep your MRN number safe and handy for future visits, as it plays a crucial role in ensuring your medical records are easily accessible by healthcare professionals.

With your MRN secured, you can focus on enjoying your time in Dubai and exploring all the exciting opportunities this vibrant city has to offer. Stay healthy, and make the most of your expat experience!

Moh. Fajar

I currently residing in Dubai, UAE and work for a multinational company in the technology industry. In my free time, I enjoys exploring the UAE's and becomes a writer in

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